TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 25822 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: Chandra X-ray non-detection of ASKAP J005547-270433 / AT2019osy DATE: 19/09/23 17:43:42 GMT FROM: Amruta Jaodand at Caltech Amruta Jaodand (Caltech), Sergio Campana (INAF/Brera), Murray Brightman (Caltech), Paolo D'Avanzo (INAF/Brera), Marianne Heida (Caltech), Fiona Harrison (Caltech), Giancarlo Ghirlanda (INAF/Brera), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech), Kristin Madsen (Caltech), Kunal Mooley (Caltech), Maria Grazia Bernardini (INAF/Brera), Andrea Melandri (INAF/Brera), Om Sharan Salafia (INAF/Brera), Ruben Salvaterra (INAF/IASF Milano) We report on the Chandra X-ray follow-up of ASKAP J005547-270433 / AT2019osy, a candidate radio counterpart to GW190814bv (GCN 25324, 25621) identified by Stewart et. al (GCN 25487) located at RA + 00:55:47.40 (13.948deg), DEC: -27:04:33.00 (-27.076deg). We have observed the field of AT2019osy ~ days post merger starting at 2019-09-22T21:33:50 UT with the Chandra X-ray telescope. Earlier, optical follow-up reported a source with i=22.3 (Andreoni et al. GCN 25488), spatially coincident with the radio source, and Palomar 200-inch spectroscopic observations (Perley et al. GCN 25494) indicated that the flux could be arising from AGN variability. Follow-up VLA and ATCA radio observations (Mooley et al. GCN 25539; Dobie et al. 25691) showed that the radio flux did not continue increasing. Recent follow-up observations carried out with ALMA reported a detection at 109 GHz, consistent with the (RA 00:55:47.417, DEC -27:04:33.14) location reported by ASKAP, VLA and ATCA (Bauer et al. GCN 25801). An almost simultaneous HST observation provided evidence for a small elongated nucleus at the host center, but not for a point source (Bauer et al. GCN 25801). The Chandra observation failed to detect any X-ray source at the ASKAP J005547-270433 / AT2019osy position. No sources in the close vicinity are also apparent. A cross-match with the 2MASS archive shows a source should have been present at the location of the radio candidate. We derive a 95\% (0.3-8 keV) upper limit of 2.85e-4 counts/s. This converts to a 0.3-8 keV unabsorbed flux upper (nH=1.8e20 cm-2) limit of 3.2e-15 erg/cm2/s, assuming a power law spectrum with photon index 1.66 (motivated by radio observations, Dobie et al. GCN 25691), corresponding to a 0.3-8 keV unabsorbed luminosity of 4.2e40 erg/s. The lack of detection of any X-ray activity at such a low level, indicates that the emission of ASKAP J005547-270433 / AT 2019osy might not be due to the nucleus of the host galaxy. We thank Belinda Wilkes and the entire CXC staff for scheduling and enabling these observations at a rapid pace. [GCN OPS NOTE(24sep19): The extra header field was eliminated; the RA,DEC values were added into the first paragraph; and the signiture/contact block at the bottom of the CIrcualr was elimianted.] [GCN OPS NOTE(25sep19): Per author's request, the 25961 reference in the third paragraph was changed from 25961 to 25691.]