2019-11-24T10:23:09LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo CollaborationThe Notice Type number is assigned/used within GCN, eg type=150 is an LVC_PRELIMINARY noticeIndicates whether this event should be distributed to LSC/Virgo members onlyA number that increments by 1 each time a new revision is issued for this eventIdentifier in GraceDBVOEvent alert typeIndicates that this event is a hardware injection if 1, no if 0Indicates that this event is an open alert if 1, no if 0Web page for evolving status of this GW candidateList of instruments used in analysis to identify this eventFalse alarm rate for GW candidates with this strength or greaterData analysis working groupLow-latency data analysis pipelineSpecific low-latency searchSky Map FITSProbability that the source is a binary neutron star merger (both objects lighter than 3 solar masses)Probability that the source is a neutron star-black hole merger (primary heavier than 5 solar masses, secondary lighter than 3 solar masses)Probability that the source is a binary black hole merger (both objects heavier than 5 solar masses)Probability that the source has at least one object between 3 and 5 solar massesProbability that the source is terrestrial (i.e., a background noise fluctuation or a glitch)Source classification: binary neutron star (BNS), neutron star-black hole (NSBH), binary black hole (BBH), MassGap, or terrestrial (noise)Probability that at least one object in the binary has a mass that is less than 3 solar massesProbability that a nonzero mass was ejected outside the central remnant objectQualitative properties of the source, conditioned on the assumption that the signal is an astrophysical compact binary mergerCandidate gravitational wave event identified by low-latency analysisL1: LIGO Livingston 4 km gravitational wave detectorV1: Virgo 3 km gravitational wave detectorReport of a candidate gravitational wave event2019-11-24T10:24:22LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo CollaborationThe Notice Type number is assigned/used within GCN, eg type=164 is an LVC_RETRACTION noticeIndicates whether this event should be distributed to LSC/Virgo members onlyA number that increments by 1 each time a new revision is issued for this eventIdentifier in GraceDBVOEvent alert typeIndicates that this event is a hardware injection if 1, no if 0Indicates that this event is an open alert if 1, no if 0Web page for evolving status of this GW candidateivo://gwnet/LVC#S191124be-1-PreliminaryDetermined to not be a viable GW event candidate